
Hi, This Short Story. I am jealousy with that girl, The girl can make him laugh, The girl can ask his time to have call, The girl can hang out in the weekend, The girl can have Deep Conversation with him, The girl can have same hobby, The girl can is near with his parents house in which he lived in it, The girl can make a guy move on from me, The girl can get certainty from him, The girl can make me so fucking jealous. Today, I decided to stop loving him, I decided to stop communicate with him, I decided to expect to have relationship with him, I decided to stop reply Hi from him. I am sincere, If He chooses that girl than me, because I believe with this statement "If something is destined for you, it will never belong to someone else". Somehow, life must go on. By the way, I am fucking love Pamungkas's songs. One of them is Jealousy. Jealousy is 3/4 his album in 2023 . Jealousy is presented my current feeling. I attachment this lyric :