

  Hi, This Short Story.  I am jealousy with that girl, The girl can make him laugh, The girl can ask his time to have call, The girl can hang out in the weekend, The girl can have Deep Conversation with him, The girl can have same hobby, The girl can is near with his parents house in which he lived in it, The girl can make a guy move on from me, The girl can get certainty from him, The girl can make me so fucking jealous.  Today, I decided to stop loving him, I decided to stop communicate with him, I decided to expect to have relationship with him, I decided to stop reply Hi from him. I am sincere, If He chooses that girl than me, because I believe with this statement "If something is destined for you, it will never belong to someone else".  Somehow, life must go on.  By the way, I am fucking love Pamungkas's songs. One of them is Jealousy. Jealousy is 3/4 his album in 2023 . Jealousy is presented my current feeling.  I attachment this lyric :

Kerandoman Isi Kepala di Jam Tinggi.

Picture by google.  Menurut Aku kehidupan ini adalah tempat menyelesaikan masalah. Semakin tua semakin banyak masalah yang harus di tanggung dan di selesai kan dengan sendiri bahkan menurut ku itu bukan masalah aku tapi aku harus ikut menyelesaikan nya juga .  Ketika Iman ku lemah, Terkadang aku merasa Tuhan itu tidak adil sama ku. Lagi lagi aku harus mendapatkan masalah yang harus diselesaikan dengan kuat .  Hal yang paling berat, menurut aku adalah Ketika Masalah satu belum selesai, masalah yang lain datang menyusul. Ohh ShittShitt God. It's not fair. Bangsat sekali kehidupan ini Tuhan.  Masalah datang bersilih berganti, Baik datang dari Keluarga, Kerjaan, Percintaan, Kesehatan dan masih banyak lagi masalah yang tidak jelas itu. Menurut ku untuk tetap waras adalah aku harus menyerah kan semuanya itu mengalir aja. Yaudah kehidupan memang begini.. Yaudah jalanin aja.. Yaudah lahlah terserah Allah ajalah mau kemana ini dibawak.  Ketika semua hal-hal masuk kedalam fikiran yang ada se

Begin Again

       Sometimes, We want to begin again with someone new and get out of our past life. It was having relationship with someone else. But, sometimes we want to fix our past relationship and it's not easy or it's kind of impossible because it's like a bird, bird has two wings to fly and in our past relationship only one wing wants to fly but the one does not. It means, Only us wants to fix it but our ex-partner doesn't even care about it. He or She is always fickle person. People   who wants to come and go whatever they want and never think about our feeling. Our ex-partner always give grey sign. It was not black or white. So that's why our relationship is never end.      Occasionally, We have so much to think, We have got so much to feel inside, We have got so much questions That no one seems to know.   The Solutions From me to Face This Case : 1) Try to Communicate and See our ex-partner pattern. When you have tried to communicate what your feeling to you


Internship made my day, I got opportunity to grow, learn, and contribute. Internship was not talking just about me but people around me because I could contribute what I have into The Companies and People in that companies. Actually, start from 3rd Semester I have worked but my job was not permanent. It was called freelance, I worked based on the projects and I have never felt companies working culture directly. My 1st internship was in The Microsoft, it is International Company and my 2nd internship in The ASSA Group, it is one of the Companies which has Gone Public in Indonesia. I spent more than One Year for Internship in Both Companies.  In Microsoft, I learned WFH (Work From Home) and In ASSA, I Learned WFO (Work from Office). In Microsoft, I communicated verbal and non-verbal in English but In ASSA I communicated verbal and non-verbal in Indonesian except If I have Customers from International Company I communicated in English but Mostly, I used Indonesian. I would Share so

Be Okay Again Today

       Sadness will involve Happiness conversely Happiness will involve Sadness. Every time we have our own choices. We want to stay in sorrow or bliss. Everyone has their own style to get out of sorrowful circumstance.       Today, I'm okay again today after Sadness come to my life. By all means, I detach and elude from something that makes me feel sorrowful. I don't want to devastate my life by having fix-mindset. I need to embark my new life and I have disregard something or people who bring sadness into my life.  I have my own the Strategies to get out of Sadness, Actually Every-Problem has difference to handle it. But I mention in General.  1. Be Firmer to take Decision       If someone bewilder you from what his statements or his action. You need to talk the things are not clear and take decision so What happened will not happen again.  2. Embark something new        All this time, You were trapped Down in the dumps. You must try something new. Perhaps, you can date someo

Flying Solo

  Everyone has their own story about life. For some people, they have experience, it was they were trapped in Toxic Relationship. Either Their partner is toxic or themselves. Somehow, “Every problem has a solution, although it may not be the outcome that was originally hoped for or expected.”  For every problem there is a solution that is simple, neat—and wrong. This maxim has been attributed at various times to Mark Twain, H. L. Mencken, and Peter Drucker as a wake-up call to managers who mistakenly think that making a change in just one part of a complex problem will cure the ails of an entire system. In my point of view, the best way to solve a problem in Relationship, it is Communication. From the communication, each of us can learn and change ourselves for the better version as human. but we can't force our partner to communicate it too, If our partner is not into it, We can't continue it because everything we force is not nice. So, We need to find another solution. It

Do you Envy with People's life ?

   Have you ever jealous with people's achievement, activity, life style, ability, relationship and many more . You think their life is perfect moreover you don't see pressure that they have. Sometimes or many times you want to be them since you think, you are going to be happy person in this world . You are not alone . I felt you but i have been able to overcome this case.  Yeah, Sometimes, I want to have what someone's has yet I always think logically, What she or he has . Behind of it . There are pressure, efforts, weakness that they have and I don't want to be like them, I focus on my life again .    We often see from a good side from someone has, meanwhile we are human . We can not guarantee that our life is always happy .    Alright , I am going to declare what causes you Envy with People's life .   Before you jump to tackle this bad emotion ,you suppose to spot, what the things make you Envy with People's life . 1) Social Media    Hei, You Know, in my poi