
Internship made my day, I got opportunity to grow, learn, and contribute. Internship was not talking just about me but people around me because I could contribute what I have into The Companies and People in that companies.

Actually, start from 3rd Semester I have worked but my job was not permanent. It was called freelance, I worked based on the projects and I have never felt companies working culture directly.

My 1st internship was in The Microsoft, it is International Company and my 2nd internship in The ASSA Group, it is one of the Companies which has Gone Public in Indonesia. I spent more than One Year for Internship in Both Companies. In Microsoft, I learned WFH (Work From Home) and In ASSA, I Learned WFO (Work from Office). In Microsoft, I communicated verbal and non-verbal in English but In ASSA I communicated verbal and non-verbal in Indonesian except If I have Customers from International Company I communicated in English but Mostly, I used Indonesian.

I would Share some moments In Microsoft and ASSA :

In Microsoft :


 Meeting with Manager Department.

Demo Chatbot.



                                                                    Front Office Assa rent.

Assa rent Medan Pool

                                                One Of The Happiness Project                                            

Manager Birthday

One Of The Farawell Party.

Meeting Q3

My Desk.

 Farewell Party For me.


Each Companies brought different exposure and experience. In Microsoft, I learned about technology and in ASSA, I learned about accounting.

In This Article, I would say that We will get a lot of Benefits of Internship ;

1. Learn new Experience about Work Worldwide.

2. Enhance our soft skills and hard skills.

3. Manage our emotions.

4. Add new Networks

5. Earn new income

6. Get Opportunity to be permanent employee in that company

7. Feel Working Culture from The Company directly.

8. Embellish our Resume.

How to Get Internship in Companies :

1. Find in Job Portal or Job Apps. For Instance : LinkedIn, Glints, Kita Lulus, Prospel etc.

2. Find the Company which open internship.

3. Apply Internship in the line with our background either our major, skills, and experience.

4. Learn about the Company Profile.

5. Learn The tests for applying job. For instance : Interview, Leaderless Group Discussion, Focus Group Discussion, logical reasoning and problem solving questions and many more.

I have conviction that Our future is what we do in this time, we need to reach our goals by all means. One of them is having internship in Companies. We need to learn how to pass inhibition by having opportunity to pass The Test for entering the companies as intern.


Start From Now, Let's ruminate our future, set the strategies and do actions.

-Dian Sari Islamy-





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