Wow, Competent in the accounting field? But how?


Hello everyone, I'm Dian . I'm fifth semester in University of Muhammdiyah Sumatra Utara, I'm Indonesian. I admire accounting knowledge hence it became my major. In this blog, I would like to tell you how to be professional in accounting field . I think, you have already known guys, yeah , one of them is getting a professional certification which recognized by national and international. 


So due to coronavirus moment I must study in online class yet it doesn't mean that I stop developing myself . In online class I got information from my professor about Accounting competency professional test. She asked me to join and with pleasure I joined it 😊. Frankly , I didn't have confidence to join it. Underrate myself. Yet, I forced myself to get out of my comfort zone. I did self-talk . I mean like this one : "it's okay Dian, if you Couldn't pass this test, at least you got this experience moreover you knew your capability. Due to this words, I joined guys.


When I was first semester, my professors have already said about this test as it is totally vital to my career as accountant.

But I have never imagined if I join it in my fifth semester because my knowledge is not enough. But, do you know guys . The test wasn't as scary as I thought .


professional certification is huge, but In this moment I followed the test from BNPSP (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi) but in english BNSP (National Agency for Professional Certification).

So why it's necessary in accounting field ?

If you can pass this test moreover you get certificate . You are going to have lots of advantages.


Before I jump to reveal the benefits of having this certificate . I am going to define a lit bit about this certificate .

Competence job certification is the systematic and objective certification process through work-based competence tests that refer to skkni or international and special standards. 


Benefits of certification BNSP

 In this advanced era, competition for the industrial world is increasingly difficult and competition for more and more good comes from a variety of enterprises. In order to compete and to find a favorable situation in the world's economic competitiveness in modern times, each labor force must be capable of legal ability and competence.

 Each individual, when able to understand most of the expertise and expertise on the field he has taken, as well as legalization of the legal if the work force isa master, would not it be possible for the competency to find an easier career, even for the next one?


 To make that goal, countries build and also build the national body of certification of the profession (BNSP) to run the certification program of the BNSP profession. The certification of this profession can be used as reference and evidence that all relations have good expertise in the field of labor, the BNSP certification is in its nature proven and recognized by law and national.


 Professional certification can not only be used to seek only domestic employment, but it can be used to provide opportunities for international careers, as well as other countries' approval.

Since I'm still college student I am going to explain test requirements for college student, I don't know for sure about tes requirements for a worker :

1) Last diploma certificate.

For example : if you still college student . You have to have High school diploma . 

2) Study Result Card (KHS).

Cards that contain the results of each student's study per semester. You need to bring the first and second semester.

3) Identity card. 

You should have it.

4) Photo .

You need to have one photo 3x4 .

5) Send money to BNPSP bank account .

Basically , I need to send Rp.1000.000 .but Alhamdulilah I got subsidy from my country so that's why I just pay Rp.30.000 .

All the requirements, you need to send to BNPSP email and you have to bring photocopy of them when you want to follow the test .

how many tests were tested ?

There are 3 test.

1) Interview.

For one person will be asked by one assessor . The assessor will ask 13 questions about accounting knowledge.

and in the moment I need to answer all the questions . If I didn't answer for one question I would fail .




2) Answer the accounting cases in software.

I get one accounting case so the question is about case in service company moreover I need to make financial report .

If you are accounting student you don't wonder about this word "Balance or not Balance" . So in this test i need to make the financial report is balance moreover my answer is same with the assessor . If my answer was not same . I would fail this test .

3) Answer the questions in the papers.

I got twenty questions in the papers . I must pass 70% of the questions.


How about the circumstances in the test day :


1) I need to bring my laptop

2) There are two sessions . Morning & Afternoon. I got afternoon session.

The test began at 12.30 p.m 04.30 p.m.

3) One by one will be called in addition to be asked by one assessor.

4) Keep being integrity.

5) After this test, one by one will be called by their assessor moreover the assessor will declared that you can pass this test or not .

I am really grateful, I can pass this test .yeeee congratulations on me HAHAHAHA. My assessor talked to me that I am competent in accounting field. I couldn't imagine if I failed I need to pay Rp.1000.000 in the next year because it's probably I couldn't get the subsidy from my government.


Tips to pass this test.

1) Practice 😊 .

Practice make perfect . I agree about this statement. You can practice about accounting cases . It can be service, trade, manufacturer company.

2) Read more accounting books or articles.

Accounting is huge . But you need to know the basic of accounting knowledge because it's a foundation to know more about business field.

3) Keep being integrity.

Even though ,no one watch you . You need to keep being honest in examination time. Because if you cheat in the test day, you are going to kick out .



        I know guys, nothing is impossible until it's done 😊. This Certificate can help you in the future yet the most essential concept is you need to keep learning as human . Just because you get this certificate , you satisfied with yourself . Don't!!! Because, accounting is updated knowledge . So we have to adapt with circumstances . It means we need to still learn every single days. That's all from my article, I hope you can have it guys . 



  1. It sounds nice Dian . Congratulation . If you have a job , please share with me ya hahha.


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