Hello !

Hello is a Simple Word.  People often say this word include me as well. People utter Hello for Plentiful reasons. 


People say hello to people whether They know about the person or not . 


For Some Points to utter hello is nice word. Especially When people meet new person. For Opening the Conversation say hello is one of Strategies. 

For Instance When Dian meet someone from different Country. She utter hello for starting the conversation.


But at some points to utter hello is worst word. Especially When People want to move on from everything has happened in the past . Hello can crush everything. Hello can boggle people's plan. Hello can make hurt people's heart. 

For Instance When A Woman want to move on from Him.  But He always want to have communication with her . He always utter hello to her . It is kind of ruining everything


So From This Case.  We can't have same assumption with someone else moreover I don't want to force you to have same perspective about something with me .



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