Audit Services

Audit Services means the professional services rendered by the issuer’s external auditor for the audit and review of the issuer’s financial statements or services that are normally provided by the external auditor in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements.

General Audit Services

General Audit Services is the process of auditing financial statements and audit records owned by companies / organizations that have been prepared and carried out systematically by (us as) an independent party to provide an opinion on the fairness in the financial reporting of the company / organization.

Services Internal Audit

Services Internal audit is a form of service that serves to help management to gain confidence that all management policies are complied with so that overall employees can work efficiently, effectively and economically. In carrying out this task we always strive to help management to find the best alternative in every company operation. This task is what we call “Research Examination”.

Investigation Audit Service

This service is related to cases of embezzlement or financial misuse that might occur in the company. The investigative audit includes material that is more in-depth and directed towards the implementation of deviant financial providers. Audit procedures are carried out to prove carefully the process of deviation.

Financial Due Diligence

Due diligence is a service that involves the issue of providing relevant information for decision making on an important and crusial problem that must be carried out by the company. Some types of due dilligence assignments include :

·         Due dilligence for the cause of problem loans spread to the bank over the intended debtor.

·         Due Diligence of a company’s acquisition plan.

·         Due diligence on the plan to increase share capital and plans to go public.

·         Due Diligence of problems related to the rerganamerger of several companies.

·         Due Diligence of problems relating to sales plans or the release of one business unit or subsidiary.

·         Due Dilligence plans expansion of business and additional models of new shareholders.

   Human Resource Audit

A Human Resources Audit (or HR Audit) is a comprehensive method (or means) to review current human resources policies, procedures, documentation and systems to identify needs for improvement and enhancement of the HR function as well as to assess compliance with ever-changing rules and regulations. An Audit involves systematically reviewing all aspects of human resources, usually in a checklist fashion.

  Agreed Upon Procedure Audit

      It is an agreement in which the accountant is assigned by the client to issue a report on findings based on special procedures carried out on certain elements, accounts, or posts of a financial report.UD

  IT Interim Report Audit

      Inter-time financial report inspection strategies for the benefit of the public, bank services, customers, and other related parties, which cover monthly, quarterly or semester periods which are an integral part of the annual report.

ARCompliance Audit is a work process that determines whether the audited party has followed standard procedures and certain rules that have been set

 Compilation & Review Services

      Compilation & Review Services are part of accounting services. In this assignment, we solely compile financial statements based on financial data provided by the client and review financial statements that have been prepared to assess the accuracy of management assertions. Every service provided always refers to professional standards issued by IAPI to guarantee service quality.T

Business Plan Preparation

business plan is a vital document for any business that contains information about the pertaining to its promoters, business model, operations, past, competitor analysis, market analysis and project financial performance. Business plan is very essential as it serves as a roadmap for the business and provides information in an understandable format to investors wanting to know more about the business. A key use of a business plan or investor pitch is for raising private equity capital or angel investment in a start-up. Business plans are used by private equity investors and angel investors to gain an insight into the business for making an investment decision.

A well drafted business plan will contain details about the promoters, infrastructure information, and human capital requirement, business model, industry outlook, and competitor analysis, SWOT analysis, past financial performance, projected financial performance, key financial indicators and any other relevant information. Businessgig has a team of professional with extensive experience in preparing business plans. Contact us today and we can help you prepare a well-structured business plan for your start-up.


Feasibility Study

Feasibility studies are related to determining feasibility or whether a project or company is established and implemented. The in-depth study covers a variety of factors, such as the availability of raw materials, labor, facilities and infrastructure, financing sources, prospectively marketing aspects, the level of benefits obtained based on normal conditions, optimism and pessimism), management aspects and possible future developments. As well as analyzing the level of project feasibility, among others: Break Event Point (breakeven level), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Net Present Value (NPV), return on capital (ROE), return on investment (ROI).

The assignment of a feasibility study is required, among others in order :

·         Submission of investment permits from BKPM (Investment Coordinating Board), both in the context of PMDN (Domestic Investment) and PMA (Foreign Investment).

·         Terms in order to obtain credit from banks or non-bank financial institutions.

·         Plans for cooperation with investors or investors, both active and passive partners.

 Financial Health Consultation

 It is a guide to the process of improving financial management in an integrated and planned manner, the topic or discussion in the plan includes cash flow management, risk management, costs and targets for the medium term, long term, examination of previous financial illnesses, as well as other important forecasting to be taken into account. not yet on target, to achieve goals that have not been achieved by the agency / company.

Tax Consultation Services

 tax consulting services along with our tax consultant office partners. The services include :

  1. Helps prepare tax management refunds.
  2. Helping companies to compile Tax Planning is to plan so that companies can complete tax obligations as efficiently as possible, but still in accordance with applicable tax rules and regulations.
  3. Helps resolve other tax problems.
  4. Helps take care of all tax issues starting from completing forms to preparing reports required by the Directorate General of Taxes.





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