
Showing posts from April, 2021

Audit Services

Audit Services  means the professional services rendered by the issuer’s external auditor for the audit and review of the issuer’s financial statements or services that are normally provided by the external auditor in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements. General Audit Services General Audit Services is the process of auditing financial statements and audit records owned by companies / organizations that have been prepared and carried out systematically by (us as) an independent party to provide an opinion on the fairness in the financial reporting of the company / organization. Services Internal Audit Services Internal audit is a form of service that serves to help management to gain confidence that all management policies are complied with so that overall employees can work efficiently, effectively and economically. In carrying out this task we always strive to help management to find the best alternative in every company operation. This task is wha

How to Manage Time to Finish College assignments and Working assignments?

                One of big decisions in my life is Studying While Working. For the first time, it was burdensome for me. Since I need to manage time, manage emotions, refrain to hang out with my friends too much and many more.  At the time I tried to embody my dream. It was having my money.         My first job was being reseller, I sold perfume for six months. I got money from that business moreover experience. To show what I meant, How to deal with customers, How to make Our Products become famous, How to mold target in selling products etc. During selling perfume, I was active in Organization as well in addition I had another job , it was being Master of Ceremony. Wow it was such incredible experience in addition to eradicate my bad habit. I mold my character became better.         A few moments later, I got Big Projects. They relate with my major as well. It was accounting and auditing.  I was not fix employee in company hence I am working depends on my job’s duration. It wa


            The importance of the company as a potential generator of wealth is increasingly understood, and so is the impact that a company’s activities have on society and the environment. Public expectations go further and include questions such as:                            An audit is a systematic process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence regarding assertions about economic actions and events to ascertain the degree of correspondence between these assertions and established criteria and communicating the results to interested users.   TYPES OF AUDIT Audit of financial statements Examine financial statements, determine if they give a true and fair view or fairly present the financial statements.  Operational Audit A study of a specific unit of an organization for the purpose of measuring its performance. Compliance Audit A review of an organization’s procedures and financial records

Hello !

Hello is a Simple Word.  People often say this word include me as well. People utter Hello for Plentiful reasons.    People say hello to people whether They know about the person or not .    For Some Points to utter hello is nice word. Especially When people meet new person. For Opening the Conversation say hello is one of Strategies.  For Instance  When Dian meet someone from different Country. She utter hello for starting the conversation.   But at some points to utter hello is worst word. Especially When People want to move on from everything has happened in the past . Hello can crush everything. Hello can boggle people's plan. Hello can make hurt people's heart.  For Instance  When A Woman want to move on from Him.  But He always want to have communication with her . He always utter hello to her . It is kind of ruining everything .    So From This Case.  We can't have same assumption with someone else moreover I don't want to force you to have sa