Financial Statement


Every Buisness need to have financial statement. Financial Statement as a tool to communicate in Buisness .Financial Statement is activity to record all the transactions has happened in the buisness.

Due to Financial Statement, The Company know more about activities in Buisness . Financial Statement helps company to answer all of questions relate with activities in Buisness . For instance :

1) How much Profits that company earn in this moment ?

2) Do our Company earn Profit or Loss?

3) Where's Our Selling from ? From Account Receivable or Cash ?

4) How much Company's debt in this moment ?

5) Where's the income going ?

6) Where's the income coming ?

7) Which Product the most popular in this moment ?

8) When does Company need to give Discount ?

9) When does Company need to increase the Price ?

10) How much People invest in our Company?

11) When does the company do expansion of buisness?

12) How much goods in Company's Barn?

13) How much Tax that we need to pay ?

And many more .


All of the questions can be answered from Financial Statement. Moreover If The company has Financial Statement. The Financial Statement can conclusive the creditors to lend money to our Company and other users .

Financial Statement can be made by person who has ability to make it . The Profession is An Accountant. An Accountant can make Precise Financial Statement, An Accountant can record Prodigious Transactions, An Accountant can help to unravel case about buisness cycle in the company.

Financial Statement contained within :

  • Income Statement
  • Balance Sheet
  • Statement of changes in equity
  • Cash Flow Statement

If you have buisness, you should make financial statement so that's why you can undertake your buisness in the right way and you can expand your buisness as well. If you are able to make financial statement, you can ask an accountant to help you to make it .



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