one of the processes before making delicious chocolate.

Do you know guys? Step by step before making delicious chocolate that you often eat ? In my article will share the information about one of the process in making sweet chocolate.

One of my parents' buisness to cultivate cacao. every year my parents harvest cacao which has cultivated for 5-6 month. 

The technique of harvesting cacao in good way :

1) The rind has completely changed color, from green to yellow when ripe, or from red to dark orange when raw.

2) The fruit stalk begins to dry out.

3) The cocoa pods make a sound when shaken.

4) Fruit picking is done by cutting the fruit stalks using tools in the form of pruning shears, machetes, or sickles. Cutting the stalk is as close as possible to the fruit, leaving the stalk about 1-1.5 cm long.

5) Peeling the fruit is done by breaking the skin of the fruit using the help of a blunt object such as a wooden stick or bamboo.

6) The cocoa beans contained in the broken fruit are taken and stored in a clean plastic bucket or container to be processed into dry cocoa beans.

7) it takes 3-5 day to dry cocoa beans. it depends on the weather. After that, coca beans ready for sale.


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