
Showing posts from June, 2021

Do you Envy with People's life ?

   Have you ever jealous with people's achievement, activity, life style, ability, relationship and many more . You think their life is perfect moreover you don't see pressure that they have. Sometimes or many times you want to be them since you think, you are going to be happy person in this world . You are not alone . I felt you but i have been able to overcome this case.  Yeah, Sometimes, I want to have what someone's has yet I always think logically, What she or he has . Behind of it . There are pressure, efforts, weakness that they have and I don't want to be like them, I focus on my life again .    We often see from a good side from someone has, meanwhile we are human . We can not guarantee that our life is always happy .    Alright , I am going to declare what causes you Envy with People's life .   Before you jump to tackle this bad emotion ,you suppose to spot, what the things make you Envy with People's life . 1) Social Media    Hei, You Know, in my poi

A Leader in The Community.

     If I don't have activity on Every Saturday Evening I am going to join English Club moreover I am willing to be a Leader to lead English Club . I really love this Community . I dig a lot of Concepts of Life by joining English Club since I could talk to various people with different backgrounds .        Coronavirus can't barrier us to develop ourselves . We can develop ourselves by following health protocol . Moreover, we need to take care our sanity by doing socialize with people. Yeah one of them is you can join in gorgeous Community . I recommend you, join in English Club especially you all are not native speaker .         From this fancy Community, I can hone my leadership. I have been a leader for several times . So today,I would like to share to y'all My activity in english club when I was a Leader .        Every times, when we want to start the activity. The leader must do Ice Breaker . In this activity , my friend lead the Ice Breaker. Her name