
Showing posts from January, 2021

Should We Buy Something When it's Discount ?

Every Buisness needs to produce profit. to earn this concept Every Buisness has their own way to influence people to buy their products or service.    The Strategies of buisness in marketing their Products or Service : 1) Give Discount  2) Buy One Get Two   3) Free Try One Product or Service for the first time  4) Cash Back 5) Give away 6) Get Voucher 7) Get Special Treatment 8) and Many More .   Who's ever been caught in this situation and bought the product or service ? I think one of you have been in that circumstances. Yeah, including me . We often see those strategies in the mall,social media, e-commerce, cafe, restaurant and many more. Somehow, those strategies are not nice to other people. Alright, I am going to unravel our mind who has influenced by the Strategies of buisness to buy their product or service .   Before we buy something, A. we need to analyze our mind by giving some questions : 1. Is it that I need or Not ? 2. What benefits and unbenefits to buy it ? 3

Quit from Social Media

Social Media  a place to meet new people, to share something, to know someone's life, to communicate with people, to promote buisness, to get brilliant information moreover amazing experience. These are from good side.    Somehow, There are ample nasty side. It depends on how we use social media. From the nasty side, it could be toxic situation. For instance : people influence you to follow their life style, ample people show the best side from them, share the negative information moreover ruin your life .   I would say that, social media is a room in which people are double filter their life. Yeah, we are human. Sometimes, we think they are living in amazing life yet actually we don't know exactly how their life looks like. But, I always conclusive myself that I don't need to envy with them since we are human, we have our own way, we have different Pressure, character, vision moreover privilege.   In this season, I am going to unravel why we need to quit from Social Media


  Alone doesn't mean you are lonely. Alone means you enjoy yourself. Alone can help you aware of your strength and weakness. Since, You spend much time with yourself. Many people assume that someone is going outside alone as he or she doesn't have friends, she or he is not gracious person moreover people have opinion that there's something wrong with someone is going outside alone . But, all of the statements is not accurate. Sometimes someone is going outside alone because she or he want it happen.  If you ask me, Do you want to spend time alone ? I am going to conclusive myself 100% to answer yeah, absolutely .  I often spend much time alone. It doesn't mean that I don't have people to accompany me but because myself want to it happen. People want to spend much time alone because a large number of reasons : 1) Due to Character Character is a definitive concept to influence our actions. We can not hold on our true of color about ourselves for long period.  There ar


  Have you ever felt everything you did is meaningless ? So how's your feeling? Angry, Sad, Exhausted, Disappointed ? If you are in that circumstances, We are in the same boat. Sometimes What we expected it's not same with what happened, What we have done was not producing results, What we gave was not appreciated,We did not get what we wanted hence we assume everything is meaningless .     Meaningless could come from Internal and external. It depends on the case . I am going to reveal some cases.   1) Buisness Aspect   You run your own buisness yet you just get a lit bit of revenue for the first time, for the next day your buisness doesn't get revenue at all after that your buisness was Bankrupt . So it means, everything is meaningless because since what you expect it's not same with what happened . All of your money (capital) is useless . This case it could be from Internal moreover external.   2) Relationship Aspect When you really love someone, you


Have you ever cried ? I think the answer it's absolutely yes. All of us have ever cried. Due to crying, it doesn't mean that you are a weak person. You cry since you can express the emotion which you get. It could be happiness, pain, hurt etc . I have ever heard that a Man should not cry. I disagree with the statement . In my point of view, Every Human should cry. Because of Crying, it can make you aware of your emotions.  Cry is necessary to assert our feeling. Some people are easy to weep yet some of them are not .  The reasons Some people are weeping   1) Due to The Character We are human have not same character . There are people who were born with the strong characters but otherwise they can't control their tear . Sometimes because of the movie make someone cry . 2) Due to broken heart Ample people have ever cried because of broken heart. 3) Due to take someone's attention occasionally, There's a person pretends to weep In order to make something tha