
Showing posts from September, 2020

Feeling is healing .

              Believe or not when you are down in the dumps , hey you are not alone. Everybody has ever felt in the circumspect . Having emotions like resetful, insecure, feel like a dross, unhappy etc. it’s normal, don’t deny to feel this feelings. Let yourself to feel it.         Being blatant to yourself is necessary. When you always deny the feelings. It’s not good            For your mental health . I would say that bad emotion which distract your days is like trash stinks.                       Can you imagine trash ? yeah, it is disgusting , right? If you collect plenty trash , what’s gonna happen? The circumstance is not fresh. It is same with yourself. If you always keep those bad emotions and you aren’t bold to feel it . yourself is gonna stuck into that zone.         When you’re feeling blue and yo want to cry. Let it happen. Or you feel that you are exhausted and you want to scream out as loud as you want. Yeah, let it happen. Let yourself to feel th

Failure is Good ? Why?

       Everybody has ever failed in their life . And I think failure is everyday . why? because, when we learn, read, practice or do something to add more value to your life is failure. Why? Because you still do that activity. If you don’t fail, you stop do that activity .Because you have already expert . Anyway, Don’t be feeling blue if you failed to get something which you really want. Have you ever read statement “Everything happened for reason” . And I think yeah, that’s true . Alright, I’m gonna explain why failure is good in some points. Before I jump to my argument . Let me analyze what cause of failure ? Failure steams from many aspects in life. 1)         It can be from God Believe or not everything we do, there’s god’s hand in there. For instance even though you have already done the strategies to reach your goals and you never forget to pray to god. Yet, in the end you failed to get them although you’ve tried again until you don’t have chance to get it with n