
Showing posts from November, 2022

Begin Again

       Sometimes, We want to begin again with someone new and get out of our past life. It was having relationship with someone else. But, sometimes we want to fix our past relationship and it's not easy or it's kind of impossible because it's like a bird, bird has two wings to fly and in our past relationship only one wing wants to fly but the one does not. It means, Only us wants to fix it but our ex-partner doesn't even care about it. He or She is always fickle person. People   who wants to come and go whatever they want and never think about our feeling. Our ex-partner always give grey sign. It was not black or white. So that's why our relationship is never end.      Occasionally, We have so much to think, We have got so much to feel inside, We have got so much questions That no one seems to know.   The Solutions From me to Face This Case : 1) Try to Communicate and See our ex-partner pattern. When you have tried to communicate what your feeling to you