
Internship made my day, I got opportunity to grow, learn, and contribute. Internship was not talking just about me but people around me because I could contribute what I have into The Companies and People in that companies. Actually, start from 3rd Semester I have worked but my job was not permanent. It was called freelance, I worked based on the projects and I have never felt companies working culture directly. My 1st internship was in The Microsoft, it is International Company and my 2nd internship in The ASSA Group, it is one of the Companies which has Gone Public in Indonesia. I spent more than One Year for Internship in Both Companies. In Microsoft, I learned WFH (Work From Home) and In ASSA, I Learned WFO (Work from Office). In Microsoft, I communicated verbal and non-verbal in English but In ASSA I communicated verbal and non-verbal in Indonesian except If I have Customers from International Company I communicated in English but Mostly, I used Indonesian. I would Shar...