
Showing posts from September, 2022

Be Okay Again Today

       Sadness will involve Happiness conversely Happiness will involve Sadness. Every time we have our own choices. We want to stay in sorrow or bliss. Everyone has their own style to get out of sorrowful circumstance.       Today, I'm okay again today after Sadness come to my life. By all means, I detach and elude from something that makes me feel sorrowful. I don't want to devastate my life by having fix-mindset. I need to embark my new life and I have disregard something or people who bring sadness into my life.  I have my own the Strategies to get out of Sadness, Actually Every-Problem has difference to handle it. But I mention in General.  1. Be Firmer to take Decision       If someone bewilder you from what his statements or his action. You need to talk the things are not clear and take decision so What happened will not happen again.  2. Embark something new        All this time, You were trapped Down in the dumps. You must try something new. Perhaps, you can date someo

Flying Solo

  Everyone has their own story about life. For some people, they have experience, it was they were trapped in Toxic Relationship. Either Their partner is toxic or themselves. Somehow, “Every problem has a solution, although it may not be the outcome that was originally hoped for or expected.”  For every problem there is a solution that is simple, neat—and wrong. This maxim has been attributed at various times to Mark Twain, H. L. Mencken, and Peter Drucker as a wake-up call to managers who mistakenly think that making a change in just one part of a complex problem will cure the ails of an entire system. In my point of view, the best way to solve a problem in Relationship, it is Communication. From the communication, each of us can learn and change ourselves for the better version as human. but we can't force our partner to communicate it too, If our partner is not into it, We can't continue it because everything we force is not nice. So, We need to find another solution. It