
Have you ever feel overthinking because of something happened in your life ? I guess, yess. If you ask me same question, I will say absolutely . I would say that Overthinking happened in everyone's life . For some people can handle it but the rest of them immerse in that situation. In my perspective, Overthinking is normal. Because we are human. We have feeling. Yet, Don't often overthinking too much since it's not nice for your mental health . What did you make Overthinking ? 1) People's Statement Do you know apple? Yeah apple is delicious fruit yet, for Some P eople are not into it .So we can't force them to eat apple . Same with ourselves, occasionally, people don't like with ourselves hence they throw shit statements to us. Because of their statements , we don't believe about something which relate to us . It made us overthinking all the time . I would suggest, you suppose to ignore what their statements . We ha...