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            Have you ever feel overthinking because of something happened in your life ? I guess, yess. If you ask me same question, I will say absolutely . I would say that Overthinking happened in everyone's life . For some people can handle it but the rest of them immerse in that situation. In my perspective, Overthinking is normal. Because we are human. We have feeling. Yet, Don't often overthinking too much since it's not nice for your mental health . What did you make Overthinking ? 1) People's Statement Do you know apple? Yeah apple is delicious fruit yet, for Some  P eople are not into it .So we can't force them to eat apple . Same with ourselves, occasionally, people don't like with ourselves hence they throw shit statements to us. Because of their statements , we don't believe about something which relate to us . It made us overthinking all the time . I would suggest, you suppose to ignore what their statements . We have two

Management Auditing

What is Management Auditing ?             Audit of the management of an organization as a whole to assess the management elements of an organization whether it has been planned, implemented, and controlled with the principles of good and correct management so that the functions of an organization can improve the effectiveness of efficiency, and econostation and conformity to the policies of each operation carried out.   What are Scopes Of  Management Auditing ?             The audited areas in management audits are every aspect of effectiveness, efficiency, and econometrics within a company.   What is Purpose of Management Audit ? ·           To assist Management in making decisions. ·           To improve the company's operating performance in the future. ·           To Judge over control. ·           To Assess the implementation.   What are Benefits of Management Audit ? ·           Increase the Effectiveness, Efficiency and Economization of Operations

Forensic Audit

  What is Forensic Audit ?                 A forensic audit is an analysis and review of the financial records of a company or person to extract facts, which can be used in a court of law. Forensic auditing is a speciality in the accounting industry, and most major accounting firms have a department forensic auditing.   Why is Forensic Audit vital in Company or Institution?   1) To Against Criminals 2) To Prove the Truth 3) To Decrease Corruption 4)   to Prosecute a party for embezzlement, fraud or other financial claims in company or institution.   What are Kinds of Cases in Forensic Audit ?   Corruption 1) Bribery                 It is offering money or something to get things done or influence a situation in one’s favor is bribery. For instance, Nino bribed an employee of Dian company to provide certain data to aid Nino in preparing a tender offer to Dian.   2) Extortion                 It is the practice of benefiting through coercion. For instan

Auditor External's Report

  The Definition             Auditor Report is a report which from a company has been audited by auditor independent.             Auditor will give their opinion about financial statement from that company.   The Importance Of Company has been Audited 1)        Provide additional to independent clarity on the thoroughness and assurance of financial statements   in the company. 2)        Knowing the fraud in the company 3)        Provide a basis for creditors in lending money   Audit Report Framework (Auditor external) 1)     Title The auditor's report must include the title, "Report of Independent Registered Public    Accounting Firm.   2)     Address The auditor's report must be addressed to the shareholders and the board of directors, or equivalents for companies not organized as corporations. The auditor's report may include additional addressees.   3)     Responsibility of Auditor & Management of the Company   a.       Manage