
Showing posts from December, 2020


Hello guys, I'm Dian From Indonesia. I'm College Student in University of Muhammdiyah Sumatra Utara. Accounting is my major. Besides as college student I'm a worker also. I think, from the title. You have already known. Yes I'm a member in project team.    Many people think that I'm a worker in Company : 1) Work start from nine to five and Monday to Friday. 2) Wear Formal Clothes 3) Enjoy AC room 4) Have Fix Income in every months.   All of them is untrue. I would say that I'm a temporary employee. I work depends on the project. I don't get projects from one Company but I get projects from ample Company also.   Long Story Short,  My Job Description is   Data Analyst, Auditing, Interview People, Present Presentation, Making report, Giving idea.    Skills that I apply into project :  Soft Skills : Management Pressure, Management Emotions, Working in Team, Perseverance, Initiative, Responsibility, Honesty, Communication etc.    Hard